Thanks for sharing your day,l am less than perfect you have reminded me to pray l haven't asked God today to help me l suffer chronic pain and l get annoyed by it.l have to ask God to help me thank.Thank you God Bless you.🙏🕊️♥️.

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Completely understand the chronic pain and most days are so much to handle. It God… He’s right there with us ❤️

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Jul 19Liked by S Tomlinson

What a beautiful post! I needed to hear these words. Every single one of them. Thank you for sharing!

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Oh, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and valuing the words. Blessings lovely 🥰 ❤️

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Sep 5Liked by S Tomlinson

Oke, so I just opened the app and this is one of the first I see, so I start to read. The further I am reading the more I'm like How? How did this pop up just now, while I'm really struggling with not being good enough in what I do for the Lord, have to say no to something I really thought the Lord wanted me to do and feeling pretty guilty about it. That I'm struggling with not taking the time this moring but still talking trough my day with my Father but it still feels inadequate.

I wanted to say thank you for this and open the Comments. That is when I saw that this post is from July...... And in that moment it really hit me, that the Lord was speaking laud en clear.

So now I just want to say : the Lord really use your writing in His own time for who needs it and thank you for writing it in July...while I needed it today. 😳

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This is How good God is! He can use writings from today, months ago or even thousands of years ago to reach the person who was supposed to read it. I’m so happy that it blessed you today ❤️❤️❤️

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I love how the enemy tried to distract you with negative thoughts and the Holy Spirit swooped in to correct it. And the way you shared this is just the message God wanted from you! Brilliant example of the power of faith!

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Aww thank you so much ❤️ couldn’t live this life with the Holy Spirit intervening for me xx.

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Jul 20Liked by S Tomlinson

‘Man looks upon the outward appearance, but God looks upon

the heart.’ 1 Samuel 16:7

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Jul 20Liked by S Tomlinson

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.’

Proverbs 3:5-8

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Jul 20Liked by S Tomlinson

Oh Little Sparrow Loved, what a beautiful blessing you have shared. I promise this is exactly how I’ve been feeling for the past few days and just got to your post today. Thanks for the reminder that’s it’s okay to be imperfect and to focus on what He wants from us. I feel like I’m always falling short. I’ve been trying to read Revelations (yet again) and feeling guilty by my snails pace getting started. Though I have to admit that little guilt can also produce motivation.

I seem to always be in doubt of my station in my Christian life. Not doing enough … granted I have serious mobility issues but don’t think God would be letting that stop me because I’m on fire to give more. I’m going to take a breath now. Love and peace my sister in Christ

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I think you said it right! Sometimes it can push us forward. What I have found is that I’m not going to get anything from the word if I’m simply there because I feel I have too. I’m learning to walk in The rythym of Jesus… intentional and not In a hurry but slower and with my eyes fixed on just loving God xx

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Jul 19Liked by S Tomlinson

This morning there’s a lot of blustering wind outside (it’s been going all night). I woke up early to close a window that was causing a door to beat an annoying rhythm. This post was one of the first things I read with my coffee. That accusing internal dialogue can be so loud and persistent. When we see it for what it is - as you so beautifully describe - we can gain some peace from the storm, fill our mind with some of His many loving thoughts about us and go about our day with changed perspective. Thank you.

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Absolutely agree! Our own expectations can often stop us from viewing perspective through God’s eyes.

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Jul 19Liked by S Tomlinson


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Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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Jul 19Liked by S Tomlinson

Thank you. This is very relevant and timely. When I thought I wasnt doing enough, I was enlightened that what I'm striving for is not always exactly what God is expected of me; and praying without ceasing is talking and acknowledgjng Him all throughout my day. God bless you sis

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It’s so true! It’s about relationship not achievements ❤️❤️❤️

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