Yes, Sarah! I feel it, I see it .... it is the sweetest love I've ever known 💖

I would love to share a beautiful Word from God I've been meditating on the last few days ....

Isaiah 43:18-19 AMP

“Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."

His Love for us ALWAYS makes a way .... ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for sharing that ❤️ always provision xx

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This is exactly how I feel. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. 💝

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I’m so glad this resonated with you today ❤️

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Beautiful Sarah.

Letting go of the noise and stepping into peace is life changing.

Sitting in the stillness in surrender is a beautiful place to be….the cost to be there? Letting go.

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Letting go ❤️❤️❤️

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Holy Spirit come.❤️

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Yes 🙌 that’s all we want.

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Amen and Amen.

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So beautifully written Sarah. I have been feeling this for a few months now. Its a quietness that overcomes us even when things around us are going ballistic. God is defiinitely moving and clearing away what should not be in our hearts. The triune God = Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit are coming together and sorting things out. Amen.

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I absolutely agree 💯

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Would you describe what you are experiencing as “revival” or a quiet stirring of the Spirit drawing people back? Or both?

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For me… definitely a quiet stirring and a drawing back to the word alone. No desire to chase signs or hype but just His presence.

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I feel it! When I take the time to be still with Him I get to know Him.

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Same ❤️

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I too, am experiencing a sense of excitement and anticipation of what God is doing by His Holy Spirit, in the lives of believers!

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Same! There’s a beautiful reset happening.

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As awful as Covid was for our world…I often wonder how many, like me, were forced to be still…so I could start to see. I feel it too, Sarah, …the Holy Spirit is moving fast and hard through so many. Yes, a “quiet stirring” - describes it perfectly. ❤️🙌🏻❤️

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