There’s been a shift. A deep, undeniable one.
For so long, we’ve been wrestling, fighting through, pushing ahead, trying to find our footing while the ground kept shaking beneath us. Pressed on every side, we braced ourselves, waiting for the next wave to crash. Somewhere along the way, we forgot what stillness even felt like.
And yet… here it is…
Not just a pause, not just a moment of quiet before another storm—something more.
It’s subtle but steady. A quietness settling in where striving used to be. A peace that doesn’t come from circumstances getting easier (because let’s be real—they haven’t), but from something deeper.
The Holy Spirit.
The world is unraveling, chaos spilling over in every direction. Even within the Church, God is shaking, exposing, refining. We watch as the hidden is brought into the light, as His hand moves through His own house. We see it. We feel it.
But something unexpected is happening in us.
We aren’t panicking.
We aren’t grasping.
We aren’t resisting.
We are surrendering.
Not in defeat-but in trust.
Because the Holy Spirit is moving. Clearing the noise. Drawing His own closer. Teaching us to walk in a peace that isn’t dictated by what we see but by who we know.
And He is calling us back.
Back to His Word. Back to truth. Back to Jesus.
Not in the way we’ve known before, but in a way we’ve never seen. Deeper. More intimate. Away from the hype, away from the noise, away from the endless searching for something external to stir our faith.
Just Him. Just Jesus. Just the Word.
And it’s beautiful. It’s holy.
Can you feel it?
He is rewriting our hunger—not for signs and wonders, but for the wonder of knowing Him. Not for a quick word, but for the Word Himself.
He is drawing us into the secret place, calling us to sit at His feet—not for what He can do, but for who He is.
And the ones who listen? The ones who lean in, who let go of the noise and step into the stillness?
They will find Him.
His presence is tangible for those who stop long enough to dwell. His voice is clear for those who seek rather than scroll past. His Spirit is moving in power, not in the loudness of the world, but in the quiet of those who are willing to return.
Back to prayer.
Back to worship.
Back to Scripture-not skimming, but soaking.
Back to surrender.
And in that place, in that returning, we find what our souls have been longing for.
Him. Only Him. Always Him.
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.” - John 16:13-14
The Holy Spirit is moving… Can you feel it?
Love Sarah x.
*Thank you for showing up and supporting my work in anyway you can. Bless someone today by sharing this with them & consider supporting a Christian Creator this year!
Yes, Sarah! I feel it, I see it .... it is the sweetest love I've ever known 💖
I would love to share a beautiful Word from God I've been meditating on the last few days ....
Isaiah 43:18-19 AMP
“Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
His Love for us ALWAYS makes a way .... ❤️❤️❤️
This is exactly how I feel. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. 💝