For so long, I thought faith had to look like a well-kept garden. Orderly. Tended. A perfect row of blooms with no weeds in sight. I thought I had to be measured, my prayers structured, my life neat and pruned.
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they toil not, neither spin. But I say unto you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed such as they are."
Ties right back along with your story to the character of Homer Smith, played by Sidney Potier, in the B&W classic film, "Lilies of the Field". Smith didn't exactly fit anyone's expectations either.
I shared this with a few friends today that. They were as encouraged as I was. Thank you for blessing me again today, Sarah. I am still struggling to learn how to use this platform, hopefully soon I will figure it out.
Whew, I feel like every post I've read today is along this same, profound line. Having an ordered and lovely life has always been a reality I've strived to achieve, but to no avail. While there are seasons that briefly feel as if we've arrived, something then happens to unhinge us again. Now, in reading words like these, I'm realizing it's not so because it was never meant to be. Perfect. Orderly. Now we can shift our eyes to the true plan, the true Hope, which is chaotically beautiful and deeply rooted in what we don't understand.<3
Oh, Sarah ... you are definitely speaking to a sister wildflower 🌻🌻🌻
Growing up in the country and falling in love with my Lord in that beautiful, wild, and free environment I called home. Yet, I didn't realize I was falling in love or even that I was a wildflower, yet. Lots of life & growing needed to happen. But now when I think back to those days and my life up to now, I see it all so clearly.
My life so lovingly chosen, crafted & tended by the Master Gardener ... my Father God, my Lord Jesus, my One True Love 🥰💖💖💖
Sending wild love to all my sister wildflowers ☀️🌻💞
I don’t believe I’ve ever heard anything quite so unique and, do I dare?, perfect. 😉. What a beautiful message of hope and the love of the Father. Thank you! 🌺
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they toil not, neither spin. But I say unto you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed such as they are."
Ties right back along with your story to the character of Homer Smith, played by Sidney Potier, in the B&W classic film, "Lilies of the Field". Smith didn't exactly fit anyone's expectations either.
Love that ❤️
I shared this with a few friends today that. They were as encouraged as I was. Thank you for blessing me again today, Sarah. I am still struggling to learn how to use this platform, hopefully soon I will figure it out.
Aww thank you so much ☺️ it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️
Whew, I feel like every post I've read today is along this same, profound line. Having an ordered and lovely life has always been a reality I've strived to achieve, but to no avail. While there are seasons that briefly feel as if we've arrived, something then happens to unhinge us again. Now, in reading words like these, I'm realizing it's not so because it was never meant to be. Perfect. Orderly. Now we can shift our eyes to the true plan, the true Hope, which is chaotically beautiful and deeply rooted in what we don't understand.<3
Yes 🙌 oh my every time I think I’m finally working it out the bottom falls out lol Just do you and bloom lovely 🥰
Oh, Sarah ... you are definitely speaking to a sister wildflower 🌻🌻🌻
Growing up in the country and falling in love with my Lord in that beautiful, wild, and free environment I called home. Yet, I didn't realize I was falling in love or even that I was a wildflower, yet. Lots of life & growing needed to happen. But now when I think back to those days and my life up to now, I see it all so clearly.
My life so lovingly chosen, crafted & tended by the Master Gardener ... my Father God, my Lord Jesus, my One True Love 🥰💖💖💖
Sending wild love to all my sister wildflowers ☀️🌻💞
Oh… you are speaking to my heart ❤️ It’s taken me decades to just… embrace my quirks and bloom freely!
Again, beautiful
Thank you so much ☺️
I don’t believe I’ve ever heard anything quite so unique and, do I dare?, perfect. 😉. What a beautiful message of hope and the love of the Father. Thank you! 🌺
Oh my… thank you so much for blessing me with this encouragement today ❤️🥰🙏
I needed this tonight. Thank you.
That blesses me so much to hear ❤️