Thanks for sharing this. Going through this right now. 20+ years living with a CNPD-spouse and only 2 months free… and thankfully, the Lord right beside me every step of the way.

In my lifetime I have dealt with physical abuse, verbal abuse and emotional abuse, but by far none of those have even come close to the depth or complexity of the abuse suffered from an NPD. And none have come close to the depth of the resulting damage and pain.

There is also a certain kind of despair that has to be battled everyday of the healing process because the hardest truth to face is their inability to love or have empathy. Clinically speaking, this is an absolute, not just opinion. There’s something so excruciatingly painful about knowing someone literally can’t love you and they never really did. Twenty years of memories sifted through eyes that now see… it’s like grieving a 1000 deaths. And constantly having to take every regret, every mistake and every bit of unforgiveness towards him and myself and nail it to the cross every day so it won’t destroy my soul along with my heart… this is a brutal walk.

Thanks for sharing and putting some light on this issue. 🤍

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Thank you for sharing your own journey. yes, it’s definitely a daily handing over to God and offering forgiveness as you go through the healing process and begin to discover your value and worth in Christ after so long under that. You are brave and your story will help so many others know that they too, can break free ♥️♥️♥️

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Jul 23Liked by S Tomlinson

Thank you for sharing this blog. For the past year, I have been healing from a family member who is a narcissist and has had set his abuse on me for 5 years. To say this person broke me is an understatement, and I had a relapse of my eating disorder. But God....After months of intense therapy and realizing my worth and who I am in God's eyes, I am back to the me that I have come to love. This person is no longer welcome in my life and boundaries were set in place that were once disregarded by this person. God has given me and my family peace and have felt his presence with me every step of the way and continue to feel Him. We lift prayers for this person, but loving from a distance and setting healthy boundaries has given us the peace we needed back in our lives. God has restored me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you Sarah for your words. Have a blessed day -

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This blesses my heart to hear so much ❤️ boundaries are so important. It’s hard but absolutely necessary. May God continue to strengthen you and lay His discernment on your life 🙏🥰

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Jul 28Liked by S Tomlinson

Please pray for me to have discernment.

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Yes 🙌 I pray the Lord lifts the veil and brings full discernment into your spirit today. In the name of Jesus ❤️

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Jul 23Liked by S Tomlinson

Thank you for sharing this. I was in a very similar position. He didn't even like sharing me with the children we had together. It took me years to get my self worth back and then challenge him. Thank God that He was there for me and has now brought me to a place of peace.

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Amen 🙏 that’s so wonderful to hear. Yes, it’s hard when it’s family or friendships. But God… He can walk us out of anything ❤️

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