Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by S Tomlinson

I wonder if that's what comes out when I talk about addiction and homelessness and the situation with my daughter? I have had a victim mentality in the past. I once had a talk with an older Christian woman that I greatly respect and she said, Rosemary, we want to be known for our scars not our wounds." I found it profound and it changed the way I spoke of my trials and thought of myself. We discussed that. A wound is not healed. A scar is. I think I need to focus more on the hope aspect in my writing. Great post!

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That’s something I went through myself. But here’s the thing, what you just wrote is something I say often, I share from my scars and no longer my wounds. Testimonies are so, so important and connect us with others in the most profound ways. I think for me, it’s catching myself in the internal dialogue where I’m putting myself down or not feeling good enough because of my past. I once was stuck in it, now I can speak openly but see the goodness of God as He set me free. Keep sharing your stories lovely ❤️

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Aug 29Liked by S Tomlinson

Yes. Amen and amen. It's not easy, eh? I relate deeply. At the age of 55 serious and difficult life changes had to take place, before I could begin dealing with all The Things. I'm turning 67 soon, and it's still very hard. But I'm soooo thankful for the love of Jesus, and the goodness of God. 🥹🙏 Don't know how folks overcome without the knowledge of Love. Perfect Love, where there is no fear.

Thank you, Little Sparrow Loved. 🩷

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Couldn’t agree more! Couldn’t do it without the love of love Himself ❤️❤️❤️

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Aug 29Liked by S Tomlinson

I felt as if you were speaking to me!!!! This was what I needed to hear today. Thank you!!!

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I’m so touched it blessed you ❤️❤️❤️

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Yes! I had to do this same walk. It was like walking out from underneath a dark heavy forest with a wicked heavy pack on my back I get to drop at the edge of the trees. I suddenly walked out into the light for the first time and I felt like I could fly off I was so light. It’s incredible. But you’re correct it’s easy to slip, especially when someone else is still in their cycle and they start a story and your mind wanders to your own to compare. It gets so much easier the longer I’ve been away from the forest.

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Absolutely 💯 It’s a long journey with one step forward, two steps back but I’m so thankful that God is the hero of my story and He continues to guide me through with such remarkable patience ❤️❤️❤️

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"But here’s the thing—letting go of victimhood doesn’t mean your pain wasn’t real, or that what happened to you doesn’t matter. It means you refuse to let it dictate your future. You take back control by changing your mindset, renewing your mind daily, changing your perspective and taking control of your feelings before they take control of you and trusting that God is working all things together for your good."

Sarah, this is so good! Thanks for sharing your story. It can be so uncomfortable to be vulnerable, but we know, it's pertinent to our thriving that we share our stories. I loved this part of what you wrote, and wanted to affirm it. If we come from a place of choosing to believe that all things work together for good, then we can be renewed day after day. I think, too, in addition to taking back control of our mindset, that letting go of victimhood allows the Lord to be our advocate. Instead of tooting our own horn, we can rest in knowing that He, first, understands our pain, and second, will use it not only for our good but the good of others around us. We have to trust that our pain is not in vain (there's a rhyme, for ya) and that He works in it and through it- we have no need of it beyond entrusting it to Him. I appreciate your heart and perspective!

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Love, love, love this. Our pain is not in vain! ❤️❤️❤️

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Haha, a silly rhyme for sure, but glad it hit its mark! <3

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This was a powerful post and so well written. I was like yup that was me, guilty, thank you Lord for helping through and shifting my way of being. Habits are difficult to break. Our thinking and responses become routine and direct how we interact, what we will, and what we do. Driven by emotions and our way and not the word of God and the leading of the Holy Sprit. I had to let go of the labels. I am not depressed, I am not a person with anxiety I am a daughter of the kingdom. I have to guard my thoughts, my emotions, my poor me routine and remind myself to use the armor God has given me, to remind myself of who I am and who’s I am, and to walk in the newness of the Spirit by faith. I thank God for how far I’ve come. Look how far he’s brought you and how you are blessing others by sharing here on Substack! Keep on striving for the mark, for you are victorious in Christ.

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It’s like you wrote my very own thoughts! It takes a lot of effort to make the changes and not allow emotion to rule also but soon enough you start to see the shift. Thanks for supporting this little space ❤️❤️❤️

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Oh absolutely he is mine too and forever will be! 🙌🏼

Would never ever have made it through if he didn’t put giant arrow signs in my forest pointing the way. He was all love and compassion and as you say patience. Hallelujah

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Yes! Put the pain behind you and face forward to the beautiful future that God has in store for you. As Jesus says, Get behind me, Satan!"

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Yes 🙌 yes 🙌 yes 🙌

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This is something I found helpful... https://vimeo.com/873954091

I worked with this gentleman helping edit a book he wrote. He's an old country preacher and a Christian counselor. The video at the top of the webpage is about 25 mins long and covers his TPM practice in detail. If it sounds worthwhile to explore, all his material is free. Not a silver bullet, but a good spiritual tool to know about.

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deletedSep 1Liked by S Tomlinson
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I am so touched and blessed by your encouragement! I completely understand your journey and it takes so much effort to change the mindset but it is possible, I promise ❤️ thank you for journeying here and I pray my words continue to speak to you x

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