To my mind, it was the worshipping of another god, not the Sovereign God that I know now. I have been so brainwashed, so totally under the control of what you are describing here that I even took up a position in leadership, totally indoctrinated by this religion! We serve an awesome God, Creator of Heaven and Earth through His Son Jesus Christ! He is NOT a genie in a bottle!

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Oh lovely 🥰 same!

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Very true

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"He was always near. It was the noise, the distractions, the pressure to perform that had been drowning out His voice."

I'm glad you're healing. Thanks for sharing your story, Sarah.

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Aww thanks for your kind encouragement lovely 🥰

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I can totally relate to this!!! After serving by my husband’s side in ministry as pastors for 40 years… I found my self in this place! Over the past two years … I stepped back… stripped away… got back to the basics… back to God and His Word!♥️🕊️

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I am hearing you! I just went back to the start essentially and found Jesus in a new way and it’s beautiful 😍

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My story exactly. I’ve been out for five years and am just now walking in the newness God has always had for me.

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I love hearing you’ve stepped into a beautiful newness. Thanks for sharing lovely 🥰

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Maybe it’s not one extreme or the other.

A current example is- it looks like trusting that God will heal my body while at the same time holding space for it to look different than my meeting my expectations. In this case I felt supernaturally better, my health improved beyond my wildest dreams. Not a cure, but beyond anything I’d imagined. When I finally became willing to go to a medical practitioner again I got upset when the lab tests didn’t show this change, in the way I had hoped… as I struggled through it I realized that the miracle lies in how I feel about God & the world and that is why I feel better. God is healing my heart which enables His perfect design to heal as well. If all the damage the human interference had done was suddenly gone, would I have benefited the same way? I think not. So, in the name it and claim it movement, I think the fault lies in the expectation of what the outcome will look like. We should not be so bold as to think we know His ways or His will.

Thank you for sharing your journey.

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Thank you for sharing Sarah. Last year I stepped out of religion to untether from it. Meet a whole community of people who are outside church and will never come back into the religious system. I have been on an amazing personal journey through the untethering as well. Last year I left church, I was diving deeper into Jesus but never wanted to step back into church again. God had other ideas though. I now know what’s on my scroll for this season in my life and I am now planted in under a Pastor who gives me the freedom to explore who I am. No more coming home weekly flailing myself for not been good enough. No more shame. No more condemnation. No more elitism. No more religion. I’m seeking His Presence!

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That’s so wonderful to hear! Gos is so good and will always lead us to where we need to be. And absolutely it’s all about relationship with the creator ❤️❤️❤️

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I am glad you called it the hyper-charismatic movement. I think NAR is also a problem. I was not involved to the degree you describe with the name it claim it, etc. But the classes and books from that iHOP teacher/pastor (I forget his name), were the norm. I began to feel like we weren’t allowing God to be Sovereign. I do believe we should pray for people in all their issues of life and then leave the results to God. Are there gifts? Sure, but we really do need discernment. Our founding pastor retired and we received a new one who is much more cautious and more circumspect, and I am so thankful for this. He is still ‘charismatic’, but typically in a more thoughtful way. My denomination believes in a ‘Fire in the fireplace.’… I am not a fan of people like Heidi Baker, there is no reason for the Holy Spirit to make you ‘bark’.

Yes, God is able to do what ever He pleases, but we really need to be digging into His word. The enemy disguises himself as an angel of light, walk carefully.

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Yes, I’ve recently been reading a bit about NAR which is pretty similar along with the New Faith Movement. Truth is, I still think very Charismatic, I just choose not to put a denomination in my identity any further and my heart is in fire for the Lord. But as you said… discernment must be there and that’s why we must look for what the Lord says and align it with scripture. ❤️

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NAR appears to believe in New Prophets and New Apostles, how do you build new foundations than those built by Christ?? I think they're building a brand and a power structure. No thanks.

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I love this. So true. Do you have an author you enjoy reading that aligns with what you’ve been sharing lately? With all the “stuff” going on lately with leaders, I don’t know who to trust.

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I’m actually going to do some posts on some people and books that have helped me. One that’s amazing to watch is Alisa Childers. She really helps break things down in an easy way ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for sharing this, I felt you were describing exactly what I went through. I don't go to a church now as they don't speak the truth. My worry is that my christian friends that have left the church as well don't talk about the Lord anymore and meeting up with them is just social and I feel I need encouragement as I love talking about the Lord and discussing scripture

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I am hearing you! I too just live talking about all things Jesus… like all the time❤️❤️❤️

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I can relate to your testimony, dear Sarah. Failing to see God answering my prayers, or not being blessed as or when I expected, caused me to have problems with self esteem, feeling like I was a failure etc. Then one day God showed me its all about Him, not me! Not my feelings, or anything else I was hanging onto. God has changed my perspective. I am learning to see myself through God's eyes, instead of seeing God through mine! Blessings.

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That’s so good!

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What you wrote resonates with me — going back to the beginning, before Charismatic church involvement, when I just knew Him. Somehow, without realizing it, I replaced the priest who I was required to get to God in my Catholic upbringing, with charismatic teachers & prophets to get to God. Basically, it has been a long distraction. Like you, I believe in miracles, healings and prophecy, but they pale in comparison to just being with Him.

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Sometimes it’s almost like a swinging pendulum. From one extreme to the other. But the word… will always lead you back to the source x

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Iam blessed and encouraged by this piece of article.

8 share many of the sentiments here. God want our relationship with Him to be Father-son relationship! Genuine authentic relationship! Where we trust Him and entrust our lives to Him. He wants us to experience His love, receive it and share it with others. Then all other things will be added to us! Mathew 6:33.

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So well said ❤️

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This is an interesting topic. I left a Baptist/nondenominational traditions & religion/church altogether many years ago. I am now back with God, but in a more spirit-filled church. I think a good balance is important, as well as wisdom & discernment. 💛

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Absolutely! I think wisdom and discernment are keys to staying in the narrow path ❤️

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As someone who was raised in this movement and left, thank you for putting this into words. And thank you for being brave enough to name it all.

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Thank you so much for your encouragement ❤️ you’re such a light in this space!

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Also, after reading these comments I can now stop referring to you as “S” and use your actual name, SARAH!

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You sure can lol 😜

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This is such a brave and needed post. I've gone through this but with the Independent Fundamental Baptists. I was in a cult church for 20 years. Saved into it. Our pastor was a controlling manipulative psychopath who sexually assaulted many of the women in the church. It was like there was a spell cast over many of the congregation. I seemed to be the only one who noticed all the discrepancies. I believe God had me there as a witness. There were two trials after the church closed in 2007. The pastor went to jail. It nearly ruined my marriage. It never fully recovered. My older daughters are away from the Lord and many other of the children who grew up there. I'm writing about it but it's hard and I agree with so many things you said. Especially this.

"But I feel like God is calling many of us out and back to an intimate relationship with Him. In the still, away from distractions, seeking advancement, chasing the high or moving in all the gifts, needing to prove ourselves. I believe He is calling and exposing so many in the body of Christ and asking us to re-examine what we are truly living for and whose teachings we are really following."

That's how I feel as well. I do share some of your issues with the charismatic church although dealing with my daughter’s addictions has brought me into prayer and discussion about spiritual warfare with some charismatic friends. But they are solid Christians who are well read in their Bibles.

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Thank you for sharing a piece of your story here lovely 🥰 I too have many charismatics friends and adore them and arill very much relate. What I’ve chosen is relationship over religion as I step forward with the Lord. So much to unpack ❤️❤️❤️

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Wow, this is such a brave, honest, and heartfelt writing! I have a very dear friend who is strong in these beliefs, and has tried to share how right they are. I have gently said that we have to agree to disagree. I really appreciate your sharing such a thorough truth of the charismatic beliefs so that I am now more aware!

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I’m so glad this post blessed you. It was a tough one to articulate for where I’m at on my journey. ❤️

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