Thank you for this Sarah. I don't know if you are aware, but you've painted a beautiful picture here of the true nature of spiritual warfare when a heart for God is fighting the battle. The gifted spiritual warrior knows that the armor we have is held in place by He who is within in us, stronger than anything that comes against us. Truly, inspired writing. I am praying for you.

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Thank you 🙏 your words of encouragement really hit home with me today. Blessings ❤️

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Strange, isn't it, how the brightest, warmest seasons for everyone else, are often some of the darkest, coldest times for us. Memories of long ago disasters - or, worst, the more recent ones - seem to return like clockwork at certain times each year. It's like being haunted. But there is a path of relief. Yahusha says "Come to Me, ALL of you (everyone of us) who are weary and worn out from carrying heavy burdens (from pain, dark memories, overwork, stress, fear, the results of our own bad decisions, confusion, hopelessness, unrelenting anger, etc., etc., ) and I will provide rest for you". (That's His Personal Promise.) He then continues with, "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy and My Burden is light". The more we accept the hard tasks that He wants us to learn to overcome....and asks us to deal with.... the more we learn about Him. When we are willing to lean on Him and trust Him, He then draws closer to us. Easy? No way! But doable? Yes, but not in our own strength. We cannot handle mountains collapsing upon us year after year. Only Yahusha has the Strength for that. He is with you right now, at this very moment. As He stands before you, He is looking deeply into your eyes. He then holds out His strong right hand towards you and takes hold of your hand in His huge, powerful one. He grips yours gently, yet tightly. He then leans forward and whispers, "Stay with Me and I will teach you how to become more than a conqueror through all of this, if you don't give up." He may be our only sunshine in these times of darkness, but, oh!, what a sunshine He promises to be!!!

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He’s my everything ❤️

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1 Corinthian 8:3 says, "If anyone loves YHUH, that person is known by Him". He knows you very well.

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Aug 17Liked by S Tomlinson

I love what you write. Inspiring and touching and lots of us can identify. Thank you. 💕

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That truly touches my heart ❤️ thank you so much, blessings ❤️❤️❤️

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