Feeling broken today. Waves of grief in the aftermath of losing my mum. Hard to see hope. This week, our kids had a wee pedigree lamb, their joy in a hard time. They bred it and it was thriving. One phonecall to say it was dead in the field. We cannot understand. But it has just shattered me this week. As soon as we feel we're lifting our heads, we feel crushed again. I know God is good and loves us. But I'm weary of everything right now.

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Oh, Amanda, my heart aches for you. Grief is already so heavy, and then to have more loss on top of it feels unbearable. There’s no easy way through this, and I won’t try to offer words that might feel hollow right now, but please know you’re not alone.

I feel your weariness, and I know God does too. He isn’t expecting you to hold it all together. Even when hope feels distant, His love for you hasn’t changed.

I’m praying for you. For comfort that reaches the deepest parts of your heart. For moments of peace in the storm. For reminders, gentle and undeniable, that He’s still with you. Sending you so much love.

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I have tears in my eyes for Amanda and her family. I will be praying for them all. Grief is the hardest thing to go through, but it feels even worse when it follows right on the heels of a sorrow that is already in progress. But I know that Yahusha-YHUH has His Arms around them. We are not promised a life without heartache but we ARE promised that we won’t walk through those valleys alone, by ourselves. Yahusha-YHUH, Our Savior and Redeemer walks right beside us. He is our Refuge, our Help. He is always a very present Help in every time of trouble. We don’t always feel His Presence but that doesn’t negate His Promises that He is with us always. Sometimes the best prayer we can offer Him is just to sit before Him and cry. He is the one who reads our hearts and knows what is in them.

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Thank you so much. So grateful for your prayers

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Thank you. So grateful for your prayers

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Amanda I’m so sorry that you are feeling so broken.

I lost my mum recently too, my dad had died 18 years ago, and I don’t think anything prepared me for the grief and sorrow and sense of loss.

I too had things happen on top of this and the sense of overwhelm is so deep.

But God…. He is such a safe place. I learnt it is He who can handle all my pain, my questions, my sorrow, all my big feelings, the ones I can’t even express. Slowly I feel like I am returning but it’s not the same me but it’s a me being rebuilt by a God who cares about me, who created me.

In the hard I felt so faulty, and broken beyond repair. But He is a wonderful creator, He makes beautiful things and Amanda, you are one of those.

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Thank you Suzanne. For sharing. I'm sorry to hear that you too have lost your mum and your Dad. It's so hard

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