It is always so refreshing how God speaks to us in our everyday ‘mundane’ things…which in God’s perspective it’s never really mundane.

What you wrote echoed a long conversation that I am in with the Lord.

Not too long ago, in a way that is probably tricky to explain and understand, I had an experience where I found/saw myself operating in one of the many prayers & dreams I have been petitioning the Lord for, but yet to be actualized in my present reality.In that moment that felt very real, I found myself panicking at the realization that I didn’t know what to do, how to operate in that space. The one I had been hounding the Lord after. 🤭🤭☺️😂.

It sobered me up in humility before God, repenting over what I consider as (a very normal

human) misunderstood persistence before God asking Him all the questions we ask when we feel the wait has gone on for far too long. What it taught me was to ask God to help me be truly still, tender and teachable before Him. So that as He answers the prayers I make to Him concerning the desires and dreams

I have, by His divine will, that I may steward well those answered prayers. In whatever way,shape and form the Lord chooses to answer them.

Am on a journey of leaning God’s rest. Resting in the Lord knowing that He truly has our best interests at heart, more than we often realize and no matter how good the thing we ask Him for, if He best knows that if at that time we are not ready for it, He will not release it until He says we are ready.

So in the waiting, may our trust, hope and focus remain always on Him, the author, sustainer and perfecter of our faith as well as all that we have committed to Him against that day.

Be blessed.

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I absolutely do understand! You did a great job of explaining. I too have had that realisation in an area of my life that what I thought I was ready for, turned out I wasn’t. Thank God for His timing ❤️❤️❤️

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Absolutely 💜💜

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…”weaving together something beautiful, even when we can’t see it”. Reminds me of the morning glories i planted early spring in my back yard. I made them such a good home and trellis and watched the little things sprout up. It’s been all summer and into the Fall with no bloom whatsoever, just lots of healthy green trailing over the fence now. BUT, 3 days ago i saw a big blue bloom! And a lot of tiny buds😀. I nearly cut the vine down at the end of summer! It so made me realize that God is doing the same thing in my life. I’ll just trust Him and wait:) thank you !

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I just love your story ❤️❤️❤️ enjoy your beautiful blue blooms too!

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Thank you so much for that!🥰 May God bless you and keep you x

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Aww thank you for taking a moment to read it ❤️❤️❤️

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I'm the one who needed to hear this today. And hear that verse from my favourite psalm. Something happened with my daughter's situation last night that was so distressing, so convoluted, and so far out of left field, that it left me reeling. But only God could weave this story of broken individuals together. So here I am in the hopefully expectant waiting room. Thank you for sharing your simple yet profound reflection.

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Oh lovely, I pray my words can offer you strength as you navigate the journey you are on. You and your daughter are in my prayers and I would love to add you to my prayer wall this month xx

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Thank you, Sarah! ❤️

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Thank you so much for writing this particular article. I needed it. Since moving to another state, I am now beginning the process of Job Hunting. It's unpredictable (at it's best) and oh, how I love predictableness!!! But working is a necessary component of life if I want to pay all of my bills............and eat.......etc. So I need to get on with this job hunting part of life. Moshiach Yahusha-YHUH has been with me throughout all of the ups/downs of this moving from one state to this, very far away, state. I know He isn't going anywhere; that He'll continue to comfort/guide/help me in every way. But I SO MUCH want Him to just TELL ME WHAT I CAN EXPECT that's coming down that train track I see up ahead, job-wise! Some days Faith is easy; other days........Hmmmm. He's been working hard on me regarding the Faith side of this life. Your article hit me on all sides. He reminded me - through you - that I need to step back, stand still, take some deep breaths and tell myself....again....and again.....and again.... that He will never leave me nor forsake me and He also won't give me more to chew than I can swallow. I might need some glasses of water ( His Living Water) to help me swallow, but I won't choke as long as I let Him lead. He wants me to take care of the "Following Him" side of life. He'll handle all of the rest of it.........effortlessly.

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Oh you sound just like me lol I just want to know… but He does whisper, patience my love all the time to me. ❤️❤️❤️

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That was excellent. Thank you.

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Thank you 🙏 blessings ❤️

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Always such a great read, Sarah... Thank you 🕊️

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Thank you lovely 🥰 ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you so much for this!!!! God is teaching me to be patient in all things, trust in Him as I wait, and be still. I’m a work in progress but I continue to keep my eyes on Him and hear His voice when impatience creeps in.

God bless Sarah!!!

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I too am a work in progress ❤️❤️❤️

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