Oh MY! You hit me right where I live...and you are RIGHT. We can use Scripture in our person-to-person interactions, but at the end of the day, it should be all about HIM, not what others may see or think about us. Sometimes we toss Scripture about to shut another person down whose attitude we don't like. We just want to end the discussion (Argument?) quickly and get away from them! (Where's YHUH's Love in that?). Sometimes we even yell our frustration/anger at YHUH, Himself....talk about hutzpah!,..... yet He treats us kindly. He knows when we are acting out of fear and our souls are a bit frayed. Therefore, He doesn't treat us as if we are in rebellion against Him because He knows we aren't. Motive is everything to Him. But there are times when it's hard for us to step back and regather ourselves in the midst of the commotion. We don't have the luxury of knowing the motives of another person when they are rejecting what we are saying to them. Sometimes it even feels personal. We really do need to be careful in making sure we are using the Sword of The Ruach (Spirit) correctly, for that is when it is at its most powerful. If we find ourselves using Scripture for our own self-justification/self-honor, then we will find ourselves wielding a weak sword, for the power of the Ruach won't integrate with what we are saying. Looking back, we'll wonder why so little of what we said got through to that person. Our motive really is everything. I have been guilty of all this in the past and am working hard to overcome it. Thank you for writing what you did. You reminded me that not all "overcoming" arrives in the form of prison or scourgings or being fed to lions. There are many things we must constantly overcome in our daily lives that seem benign, yet are not benign at all, for these small overcomings are what prepare us to go through the larger overcomings down the road. YHUH gave you an awesome insight. It really should be all about Yahusha-YHUH. We are just a stamped envelope bringing a message from our Most High Moshiach.

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You said it perfectly ❤️❤️❤️

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