I'm sorry that I am unable to upgrade right now. I'm on social security and have a part time job cashiering. I just wanted to let you know that I discovered you on substack recently and really like what I've read so far.

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No apology ever needed lovely 🥰 this space is always available to anyone. Your support alone is so valued and I’m sincerely glad you’re here ❤️❤️❤️

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Jul 31Liked by S Tomlinson

Like you, I've done both sides of this and now am very conscious of how I act.

I was sitting behind a "friend" (she didn't know I was), when she started saying nasty comments about me. The person I was with told her we were behind her. She then stood (looking very sheepish) and asked me to accompany her somewhere else. She started saying how justified she felt she was. I felt something inside and I just gave her a hug and walked away. She didn't know how to take that. I felt at peace and was able to go back into the main room with my head held high.

Thank you for sharing this Sarah. The tongue can bring you down or elevate you. It;s up to you how you use it.

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Yea I have been there and it certainly hurts. The way you handles it was filled with wisdom ❤️

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Aug 1Liked by S Tomlinson

Thanks Sarah. It was like Jesus came through me and made me act that way.

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I detest gossip and always try to reframe what the person is saying by reminding them of the target's humanity. Usually, if you are not too interested in hearing the gossip they will not continue. So, it's definitely something to be aware of - that even if you are not gossiping you will encourage the other person just by listening. Just say, "I'm not really interested in gossip." Most of the people aren't even aware that they are "gossiping." So it's kind of a wake-up call for them. Thanks for sharing this.

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Yea I agree ☝️ I do believe it’s something important we need to put a stop too ❤️❤️❤️

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Jul 31Liked by S Tomlinson

Thank you, your words always make sense to me and encourage me to think more positively. I go forward thinking , yes I can do this, God bless you.🙏🙏🙏

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I’m am so blessed to hear it makes sense lol sometimes when I’m pouring it all out I often think I hope I haven’t rambled. Thank you Holy Spirit!

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We need to live out our values rather than just sharing opinions—it's a reminder we all need. Thank you for encouraging us to reflect Christ's love through our daily interactions.

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Thank you for this timely article. I have recently been convicted about this too. I just wrote about it too in my latest devotional. It is important to be careful what comes out of our mouths.

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Thank you so much for this wonderfully edifying and uplifting and very important article and for the need to examine ourselves and before our loving heavenly father. Our Opinion ultimately will lead only to Destruction.

We live in a world of free choice where people are selfish and opinionated. Everybody wants to decide for themselves what they like, what they dislike. They express their opinion and live according to their own mind, that which they like and prefer. People make their own choices about the doctrines they are to believe in, the way that they understand the Bible, the church that they want to attend, because it suits their opinion. That might be working out for you very well in this world, but in the kingdom of God everything is about obedience to Jesus Christ, not about our opinion.

If we want to enter the kingdom of God we have to sacrifice our own opinion, our own ideas, our own preferences and we have to submit ourselves to Jesus Christ. If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven we have to repent, not only of sin, but of our own opinion, our own ideas, our own ideals, and to submit ourself to Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Master over every aspect of our life & existence, to obey Him. We must live according to His words and to do what He tells us to do. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons/daughters of God. Jesus does not force nor coerce us, He guides us and we choose to willfully submit ourselves to Him. We have to willfully follow Him and go after Him. We have to willfully repent of all sin, willfully repent of our own opinion and submit ourselves to Jesus Christ. If we are not willing to give up our opinion then our opinion will lead us to destruction, because it's either Jesus' way or it is no way. We are either for Him or against Him.

There's only one way to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is to follow submit, yield and to obey Jesus Christ. We might believe in Jesus Christ for salvation but we will not enter His kingdom if we do not submit to Him, sacrifice our own opinion. If we do not serve Jesus Christ as Lord and we do not submit ourselves to Him, and if we are not guided by the Holy Spirit we will not enter His kingdom. If our opinion is our idol then our opinion will only lead us to the depths of hell.

May we repent of our own self mind, from every imagination and thoughts that exalt themselves of our own opinion, casting down reasonings & every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, & bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of the Christ; 2 Cor 10:5

May we be willing to humble ourselves in dust and ashes allowing our father in Heaven to assess and clearly examine every part of us, our motives, of all that we are, who we are, our personalities, our thoughts, our responses, conduct, & our hearts to shine His light upon any parts of us that are still in darkness or that have been influenced negatively by the worldly or from our imperfect flesh?

The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart. Proverbs 20: 27 For His conviction & illumination of sin to be able to discern what truly originates from His spirit & what is still earthly, seducing, sensual, cultural, unclean, dishonourable, ungodly & not born from above. To trust His tender loving rebuke, secure in His love, accepting His corrections & discipline for our misunderstandings towards all the places that are or may be still hindering, impeding our growth, & fruit bearing potential, to reveal and see if there is still any wicked ways in us we may have overlooked or missed to then ask for our Heavenly fathers help to remove it, cleansing ourselves from all defilement of contaminating our flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in fear of God, to prune our branches in order to bring forth more fruit. Faithful are the wounds of our friend Jesus. Thank you father for reminding and helping me and destroying and crushing out of me self, to walk in self denial and take up my cross daily and follow Lord Jesus.

Personal opinions are worthless to God and to others, it is only Gods truths speaking and living them out by example as you so beautifully stated. I really love these two paragraphs especially:

"It’s easy to have opinions; it’s much harder to live out our beliefs. It requires vulnerability, authenticity, and a willingness to lead by example, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. But it’s in these moments that we have the greatest impact."

"So, instead of offering unsolicited opinions, let’s strive to be examples of Christ’s love. Let’s show kindness, patience, and understanding in our daily interactions. When we live out our faith authentically, we become living testimonies of God’s grace and love."

Amen may it indeed be so especially in my own moment by moment life and interactions relationally with others, and may Heavenly father help continue to mould regime and bring forth fruits of His Spirit that only radiate Christ Jesus! Always less of me, really actually none of me, and ALL of Him!

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All of Him 🙌

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