Welcome to Little Sparrow Loved!

Hey, I’m Sarah, an Australian-born writer who’s as real as they come. I’ll be honest—building a career as a writer is tough, but I’m driven by the belief that God is the hero of my story, and I’ll never stop sharing His goodness. I’ve walked through messes, doubts, and those quiet, lonely moments when it feels like no one understands. That’s what I write about—the raw, real journey of faith.

Little Sparrow Loved isn’t just a blog; it’s where I share the highs and lows of my walk with God, hoping my words bring comfort, hope, and encouragement to whoever needs them. I write from the heart, and my prayer is that my words reach those who feel unseen, unheard, and need a reminder of how deeply loved they are by God.

For Free Subscribers

You’ll receive heartfelt reflections, personal letters, and the occasional podcast episode. Some weeks are busier than others, but whatever I write, it’s always genuine and from the heart.

For Paid Subscribers

By becoming a paid subscriber, you’re not just getting extra content—you’re helping me share God’s love with the world. You’ll receive everything free subscribers do, along with devotionals, early access to new releases, and other little bonuses. But more than that, your support ensures that these messages reach even more hearts that need them.

Why Subscribe?

This isn’t just a hobby; this is my full-time calling. Every word I write is to show how amazing God is, and I’m trusting Him to make it possible. Your subscription helps me continue sharing these words with the world, impacting lives in ways we may never fully understand.

If my writing has spoken to you, and if you believe in the power of sharing God’s love, I’d be honored if you’d consider supporting me as a paid subscriber. Your support makes a world of difference—not just to me, but to every soul these words reach.

With love and gratitude,

Sarah x

Subscribe to Little Sparrow Loved

God will always be the hero of my story. Walking out my faith even as I stumble, and telling it how it is. Journey with me right here and meet me in the honest, unfiltered words and thoughts I pen...


Messy minded, filled with endless musings, always making decisions emotionally before logically, feels too deep, walks by faith & stumbles daily. God is always the hero of my story.