We’ve all heard it before: no two fingerprints are the same. It’s a truth we nod along to, but do we truly understand it? That truth runs deeper than biology. Each of us is created with a purpose, unique in design, and perfectly equipped for a walk only we can take. And yet… we often miss it. We get caught up in the noise. We listen to the world that tells us we need to be something we’re not, that we need to look like someone we’re not, that we need to live by standards that don’t even reflect who we are.
Media screams its impossible standards. Society demands we conform. We’ve been taught that some people belong, and others do not. But God didn’t make you to be like anyone else. He created you to be you. Your unique story, your unique heart, your unique walk. No one else can take your place. No one else can do you the way you can. And that is where your purpose lies.
What if your life didn’t look Insta-worthy? What if it looked like messy buns, leggings, Ugg boots, a Bible in one hand, and a latte in the other? A smile that was genuine, a laugh escaping from your lips after a funny, unspoken thought you had. What if someone looked at you and thought, I want what she’s so free to be? What if they stopped in their tracks and asked, Could I walk my life the way she does? Could I show up as myself, as God’s original, without trying to fit a mold?
Would they embrace their own path? Their own calling? What if they knew they had permission to just live this one short life the way God wants them to show up-unapologetically, authentically, and fully as themselves?
It’s easy to lose sight of this, isn’t it? The pressure to fit in, to measure up, to make ourselves into something we think the world wants, can weigh us down. We even start hiding behind the pictures we post—the moments we carefully curate, the seconds of perfection. We allow ourselves a minute where people think we have it all together, that our lives are seamless, effortless, beautiful. But the truth is, those moments are fleeting. They don’t tell the whole story. The real story is in the messy buns, the spilled coffee, the raw moments that don’t make the feed. That’s where the truth lies.
But God’s Word tells us a different story. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God calls us to be who He created us to be. Not a copy. Not an imitation of someone else. But the original masterpiece He designed.
The reality is this: When we try to be someone else, we miss the beauty of who we really are. I don’t want to spend my days living someone else’s life. I want to live fully in my God-given identity-without hesitation, without apology. And I want to encourage you to do the same.
So let’s ask ourselves: Are we afraid of not measuring up to what others expect, or are we willing to walk out our faith and our lives in the way God intended? It’s a journey of embracing the real and the raw-of trusting that the best way we can show up in this world is simply by being who He made us to be.
We may face criticism, we may be misunderstood, but I would rather stand before God as the unique creation He made me to be than try to fit into a mold that was never meant for me.
So ask yourself: Are you living as the original you? Or are you hiding behind someone else’s expectations?
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2:10
Take a moment, lovely one, to ask God for the strength to walk boldly in the truth of who He made you to be. Embrace the identity He gave you and let the world see you as God’s masterpiece. Don’t let this be just another post that passes by. Share it. Share the truth with someone else today who needs to hear this: You are God’s original. And no one can do you like you can.
Sarah xx
*Thank you for always showing up for these faith-filled mixed bag of posts. I adore you all! Keep sharing, encouraging and support a Christian Creator this year ❤️ we appreciate more than you know.
*For my little Sparrow Lived Crew… don’t forget to drop into the chat space!
The older I am the more deeply I know this truth. And pressure coming my way to conform isn’t mostly from the world—it comes from legalistic believers. That’s terribly sad.
I spent some time with a Christian counselor the year before the pandemic, and he helped me see how much God delighted in me as a “beloved son” uniquely created as you describe. A key reinforcing text for me is Zephaniah 3:17:
“The Lord your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing as on a day of festival.”
In other words, I am enough: God rejoices in me, the work of his hands!