Lovely, let’s be real… we are always in need. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. We don’t outgrow it. We don’t graduate from it. No matter how much we learn, how long we’ve been walking with God, or how strong we think we are, we will always need Him.
We need rescue when we mess up. A steady hand when life shakes us. Peace when chaos surrounds us. Comfort when grief is too heavy to carry. Strength when we just don’t have it in us.
And here’s the thing-it’s not a burden to need. It’s a blessing.
It’s a reminder that we were never meant to walk this life alone. It’s an invitation to lean in closer, to trust deeper, to see just how much God actually wants to carry us.
From the very beginning, before we even realized how much we’d require His grace, He was already providing it.
Adam and Eve fell, and what did God do? He covered them. Not just physically with garments, but spiritually with a promise-one that pointed straight to Jesus (Genesis 3:15).
Humanity kept spiraling, and yet, He kept making a way. Noah. Abraham. Moses. David. Story after story, person after person, failure after failure… God provided. Every single time.
And then came Jesus. The ultimate fulfillment of every promise. The answer to every need. The way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
Not an afterthought. Not a backup plan. The plan from the start.
If God has always made a way, why do we fight so hard against our need for Him?
I’ve been at the end of my tether and full-out said, Nope. I can do this myself. I can make my own way and tackle this. And I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one.
But let’s be honest-where does it actually get us?
Tired. Worn out. Frustrated.
We weren’t created to be our own way-makers. We see it over and over, not just in the Bible, but in people today. The loneliness, the confusion, the constant searching for purpose, the bitterness and unforgiveness that festers. We strive, we hustle, we hold everything so tightly-and it only drains us more.
God never asked us to be self-sufficient. He never told us to toughen up and handle it. He created us to need Him, to lean on Him, to rely fully on Him.
And I often think about the trials that keep on rolling… are they needed more than calm? Because it’s there, in the messy, in the chaos, in the moments where we feel like we just can’t anymore-that we remember how much we truly need Him. His promises. His strength. His hand.
I know for me, in my darkest times, it is Him I call out to. It is His Word I cling to. It is His arms I run to.
And He answers.
My Promise Keeper answers.
He whispers, I will never leave you.
So I recognise my need. I stop seeing it as a weakness. I stop trying to push through alone. I embrace it, like a child learning to ride a bike, trusting the need for their parent to hold onto the seat until they find their balance.
And the need never stops.
Not in the early years of faith. Not when we think we’ve “matured.” Not in the highs or the lows.
Lovely, you will always be in need. But you will never be without your Savior.
Maybe today you feel overwhelmed, uncertain, or just plain exhausted. Maybe you feel the weight of needing so much from God. But let me remind you…
He has never failed to provide. Not in Genesis, not at the cross, not now.
You are always in need, but you are never alone. And He is still making a way.
Tell me, where do you see God making a way in your life right now? Let’s talk in the comments.
*Thank you for showing up today. Keep sharing, commenting and consider supporting this Christian Creator this year ❤️
Do perfectly shared Sarah.
I have learned, before I knew Jesus I desperately needed Him, now that I know Hom, the more I know Him, I need Him even more desperately.
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
There is a perspective shift when we remember that we were created to be dependent on God. We were designed for dependence, so when we fight so hard against it, we become exhausted. And only find rest when we rest in and on God.